تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Article 9: Systems and Internal Reporting

C 163/2019 STA
  1. 1.A Bank must have information systems that enable accurate and timely monitoring of and reporting on operational risk. The level of sophistication of a Bank’s operational risk information system must be calibrated to the risk profile, complexity and systemic importance of the Bank.
  2. 2.The processes for aggregating the necessary data and producing operational risk management reports must be fully documented. These must include standards, cut-off times and schedules for report production. The aggregation and reporting process must be subject to high standards of validation through periodic review by the internal audit function using staff with specific systems, data and reporting expertise, particularly where the process requires substantial manual intervention.
  3. 3.Operational risk reports to Senior Management and the Board must provide aggregate information as well as sufficient supporting detail to enable Senior Management and the Board to understand and assess the Bank’s operational risk exposures.