تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Appendix 6: Effective Countercyclical Buffer

C 52/2017 STA يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 1/4/2021

Assume a bank has the following capital ratios

Capital BaseMinimum Capital RequirementsBank's Capital Ratio
Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio7.00%9.50%
Tier 1 Capital Ratio8.50%0.00%
Tier 2 Capital Ratio2.00%4.00%
Total Capital Ratio10.50%13.50%


From the above table, the bank has fulfilled all minimum capital requirements. In addition, the bank has to meet the additional capital buffers:

Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)                                               2.50%
Countercyclical Buffer*0.00%
D- SIB1.00%
Aggregated Buffer requirement (effective CCB)3.50%


The table below shows the adjusted quartiles accordingly:

Freely available
                                  CET 1 Ratio                                                                                                                                                        
Minimum Capital Conservation Ratios (expressed as a percentage of earnings)
Within 1st quartile of buffer: 0.0 % - 0.875%100 %
Within 2nd quartile of buffer: > 0.875% - 1.75%80 %
Within 3rd quartile of buffer: > 1.75% - 2.625%60 %
Within 4th quartile of buffer: > 2.625% - 3.5%40 %
Above top of the buffer: > 3.5%0 %


As the bank does not have Additional Tier 1, the bank has to use 8.5% of its available CET1 to fulfill the minimum Tier 1 requirement of 8.5%. Only the proportion of CET1 that is not allocated to fulfill the minimum capital requirements is freely available to fulfill the buffer requirement. For this bank, 1% CET1 is freely available, because the bank already used 8.5% of its CET1 to fulfill the Tier 1 ratio. (9.5% available CET1 - 8.5% CET1 required to fulfill the Tier 1 minimum requirement of 8.5%).

Impact: The bank breaches the effective CCB with 1% freely available CET1. Capital conservation is required by at least 80% of the bank’s earnings. Distributions to shareholders is limited to maximal 20% of the bank’s earnings (Central Bank approval of dividends still required).

*See current Countercyclical Capital Buffer on Credit Exposures in the UAE.