تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

VI. Illustrations of Replacement Cost Calculations with Margining

C 52/2017 STA يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 1/4/2021

Calculation of Replacement Cost (RC) depends whether or not a trade is collateralized, as illustrated below and in the summary table.



Transaction CharacteristicsReplacement Cost (RC)
No collateralValue of the derivative transactions in the netting set, if that value is positive (else RC=0)
Collateralized, no marginValue of the derivative transactions in the netting set minus the value of the collateral after applicable haircuts, if positive (else RC=0)
Collateralized and marginedSame as the no margin case, unless TH+MTA-NICA (see definitions below) is greater than the resulting RC


  1. •TH = positive threshold before the counterparty must send collateral to the bank
  2. •MTA = minimum transfer amount applicable to the counterparty
  3. •NICA = net independent collateral amount other than variation margin (unsegregated or segregated) posted to the bank, minus the unsegregated collateral posted by the bank. The quantity TH + MTA – NICA represents the largest net exposure, including all collateral held or posted under the margin agreement that would not trigger a collateral call.