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  • 2. General Provisions

    These provisions are calculated as 1.5% multiplied by the ‘normal’ and ‘watch list’ Credit Risk Weighted Assets (CRWA). CRWA should be calculated using the Basel II standardized approach.

    By definition all exposures receiving 0% Risk Weight are excluded from General Provisions.

    • 2.1 Build up of the General Provision

      The Circular allows banks a period of 4 years to reach the minimum general provisions prescribed as 1.5% of CRWA. It is our expectation that banks build up the deficiency in their General Provisions in equal installments over the 4 year period. Banks are encouraged to achieve the minimum requirement of General Provisions in a shorter duration if possible.

      No bank is allowed to fall below its current level of General Provisioning during the 4 years transition period unless its general provisions exceeds the minimum requirement of 1.5% of CRWA.

      The Central Bank will be assessing the progress towards building up the general provisions by the banks and will issue individual guidance to banks if required.