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  • Biometrics

    • Governance

      1. 3.70Institutions should ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and regulations in relation to Data protection.
      2. 3.71When Outsourcing to an Outsourcing Service Provider, Institutions should ensure that access to information is adequately controlled, monitored, reviewed, and audited by the Institution’s internal control functions, and regulators, or persons employed by them, including supervisory reviews by the respective Supervisory Authority.
    • Identity Proofing and Enrolment Management

      1. 3.72Institutions using Biometric Applications should ensure effective proofing of identities, including validation and verification of identities. Validation involves determining that the documentary evidence for the Biometric identity is genuine, reliable, and independent. Verification involves confirming the validated identity relates to the individual being proofed.
      2. 3.73Institutions should obtain and store evidence of any digital identity verification (e.g., via chip or wireless technologies) performed by integrated scanners, sensors and other devices.
    • Ongoing Authentication and Identity Lifecycle Management

      1. 3.74Institutions should establish controls and processes to protect Customers and their credentials against vulnerabilities and unauthorized access, disclosure or use in the authentication process and throughout the Identity Lifecycle.
      2. 3.75Institutions deploying Multi-Factor Authentication at login that includes a Biometric factor should consider employing phishing-resistant authenticators where at least one factor relies on public key encryption to secure the Customer authentication process.
      3. 3.76Institutions should implement risk-based or adaptive authentication measures that present Customers with authentication options commensurate with the risk level of the transaction and sensitivity of the information.
      4. 3.77Institutions should implement Multi-Factor Authentication using a Biometric factor, where possible, to authorize high risk activities and protect the integrity of Customer account Data and transaction details. High-risk activities include changes to Personal Data (e.g. Customer office and home address, email and telephone contact details), registration of Third-Party payee details, high value funds transfers and revision of funds transfer limits.
      5. 3.78For Biometric authentication of transactions, Institutions should adopt security measures to ensure the confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of authentication codes, Personal Data and transaction specific information.
    • Management and Monitoring

      1. 3.79Institutions should periodically monitor their Biometric Applications throughout the Identity Lifecycle to assess performance, detect security-related events, evaluate the adequacy of controls, and take any remedial action.
      2. 3.80Institutions should ensure that all communications with individuals involving Biometric Data across the Identity Lifecycle occur over a mutually authenticated and protected channel.
      3. 3.81Institutions should ensure the employment of physical tamper detection and resistance features appropriate for the environment in which the identity-proofing session occurs.
      4. 3.82Across the Identity Lifecycle, Institutions should introduce processes and controls to safeguard against Data tampering, cyberattacks, security breaches and other fraudulent activities which may lead to identity theft, compromise or misuse of Data and errors.
      5. 3.83Institutions should monitor and evaluate all the processes involved in the Identity Lifecycle including identity proofing, authentication etc. to ensure that they are secure and efficient.
      6. 3.84As a Credential Service Provider may be an independent Third Party or may issue credentials for its own use, Institutions should ensure that they perform the requisite due diligence checks and protocols on the Credential Service Provider on a regular basis.
      7. 3.85Institutions should monitor the performance of the Biometrics Application for inherent risks such as false acceptance rates and false rejection rates. Poorly executed algorithms may result in higher false acceptance rates and these inherent risks should be calibrated to be commensurate with the risks associated with the Biometric Application.
    • Data Management

      1. 3.86Institutions should ensure the security, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of Data across all phases of authentication, whether the Data is in use, storage or transmission.
      2. 3.87Institutions should maintain a clear trail and record of the Biometric Application’s Data obtained from the Credential Service Providers.
      3. 3.88Institutions should consider the principles of portability and interoperability when planning and implementing systems and databases for the Biometric Application.
      4. 3.89Where Biometric Applications are used for Biometric authentication, Institutions should ensure Biometric Data and authentication credentials, whether in use, storage or transmission, are encrypted.
    • Outsourcing

      1. 3.90If Biometric activities are outsourced, Institutions should ensure that:
        1. a.They obtain the necessary Data concerning Biometric identification/verification from the Outsourcing Service Providers and take adequate steps to satisfy themselves that copies of identification Data and other relevant documentation will be made available from the Outsourcing Service Providers upon request and without delay; and
        2. b.The Outsourcing Service Provider complies with the Institution’s Customer due diligence and record-keeping requirements.