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  • Technical and Administrative Staff

    • Article 5

      1. Individuals to be appointed in the technical and administrative staff must satisfy the following conditions:
        1. Be a natural person enjoying full capacity.
        2. Be of good conduct and behavior, and has never been sentenced for a freedom restricting punishment in a moral turpitude crime without being rehabilitated.
        3. Has not stopped the payment of his commercial debts even if not associated with bankruptcy declaration, or has been judged bankrupt without being rehabilitated.
      2. An Insurance Broker shall notify the IA of the appointment of any accredited personnel, and of any modification or alteration that may arise regarding their transfer or termination, stating the reasons thereof. An Insurance Broker shall also notify the IA once any of the accredited posts becomes vacant and an alternative is appointed until such vacant post is permanently filled within a maximum period of 60 business days from the date of vacancy.
    • Article 6

      1. An Insurance Broker must continuously have the technical staff required to practice the
        licensed activity and must at least appoint employees to assuming the following jobs:
        1. General Manager or Chief Executive Officer.
        2. Operations Manager.
        3. Internal Auditor, (natural or corporate person).
        4. At least one specialized employee for each licensed insurance type or class.
      2. The shall hold a decision to determine the qualifications, experience, duties and restrictions for each one of the jobs listed in clause (1) of this article.
      3. No one may combine two jobs of the jobs approved by the IA at the same time.