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  • Supervision and Inspection

    • Article 21

      1. The IA shall conduct regular and surprise inspection and control visits without prior notice to Insurance Brokers in order to ensure their compliance with the Law, regulations, instructions, resolutions, rules or circulars issued by the IA, and to investigate any violations revealed by such inspections or contained in the complaints received by the IA.
      2. The IA may request all information and documents – as it deems necessary for the purposes of controlling and investigating on the Insurance Broker or any of their staff, the companies, clients and beneficiaries.
      3. The Insurance Broker shall place all brokerage records, documents and entries at the disposal of the IA and its employees; and shall cooperate with them and respond to their requests to fully perform their work.
      4. The Insurance Broker shall provide any data or information requested by the IA within period specified by the IA.