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Article (20) Currently Outstanding Loans

C 29/2011 Effective from 23/3/2011

a- The provisions of these Regulations shall apply to all banks and finance companies including Islamic banks and Islamic finance companies in relation to personal consumer loans and car loans granted by these entities currently existing, except for commissions, fees or any fines charged on them prior to the date on which these regulations come into force, which is considered finalized.

b- Any borrower may transfer his/her loan/financing from any bank or finance company operating in the UAE against paying of an early payment fee not exceeding 1% of the outstanding balance of the loan, or AED 10,000, whichever is less. Another bank or a finance company operating in the UAE may accept the transfer under the following conditions:

  1. For loans granted after the issuance of this Regulation, the requirements of the Regulation must be fully complied with, in particular those relating to the loan or financing amount, the repayment period and monthly deduction.
  2. For loans granted prior to the issuance of this Regulation, the profit/interest rate should be reduced and the repayment period or loan/financing balance should not be increased by granting an additional loan or financing to the borrower.
Clarifications and Guidelines (as per Notice No. 2901/2011)
  1. Existing loans and overdrafts will continue to be governed by the terms and conditions agreed between the parties. However early settlement charges, other charges, fees and commissions levied after 1st May, 2011 will be in accordance with the new structure.
  2. New loans extended after 1st May, 2011 or rescheduled after that date will be subject to the new regulations.
  3. In exceptional circumstances such as rescheduling due to retirement of the borrower or loss of his income for any other reason, a longer repayment period beyond 48 months could be permitted.