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Article (33)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

1. The company shall advise the authority of the names of the members of its board of directors, general manager or the authorized manager or any of the senior staff and whether the position of any one of them vacated. The company shall fill the vacancy within sixty days as from date of vacating the same and notify the Director General of the Authority as so.

2. The company's Board of Directors shall provide the Authority with copies of the minutes of the Board's meetings and its decisions related to the elections of the company's chairman, his deputy, and the board's members authorized to sign on behalf of the company and their specimen signatures within seven days as from date of issuing these decisions.

3. Should the chairman and the members of the board of directors lodged their resignations or the Board lost its quorum the board of directors shall form a provisional committee of experienced and specialized individuals, appoint a chairman thereto, a deputy therefor out of its members to take charge of the company's management, invite the general assembly to convene within a period not exceeding three months as from date of the formation of the committee which shall be subject to renewal for a similar period once only by decision of the Board - in order to elect the company's new board of directors. The company shall bear remunerations of the committee as decided by the Board.