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Regulations Regarding Bank Loans and Other Services Offered to Individual Customers - UAE Nationals

N 13/1187/2013 Effective from 6/8/2013

Reference to our letter dated 07/05/2013, regarding the above subject.

Please note that the moratorium period to reschedule loans of other banks advanced to national customers has ended today 06/08/2013.

Accordingly, you are permitted to buyout and transfer these loans from other banks on condition that you strictly abide by the following:

  1. 1) Terms of Regulations Regarding Bank Loans and Other Services Offered to Individual Customers.
  2. 2) Repayment installment for all loans at all banks and lending entities must not exceed 50% of the regular income of the borrower.
  3. 3) Loan repayment period must not exceed 48 months, expect for certain loans exempted by the Central Bank.

Non-compliance with these instructions would subject your bank to severe sanctions, in addition to Government refraining from dealing with your bank.

Yours faithfully,