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Article (62)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

The company shall send the Authority a copy of the expert's report on the findings of the examination and the assessment referred to in Articles (59) & (60) of the law herein within six months as from the expiry of the period for which the examination was conducted accompanied with the following:

  1. A statement of the insurance policies still in effect concluded by the company inside or outside the State on the date of conducting the examination and should such an activity been carried out by a branch of a foreign company the statement shall include only those policies concluded inside the State or those ones executable therein.
  2. A declaration by those responsible for managing the company in witness that all statements and information required to get an exact report have been put under the disposal of the expert.

By decision of the director general following the lapse of the six months provided for in the Article herein an extension of time may be given to the company to file the said report provided such period shall not exceed three months.