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Appendix 1: Detailed Licensing Requirements

C 7/2020 Effective from 14/11/2020
  1. When applying for a crowdfunding company license, the application must include the following information/documents. The Central Bank may request further information as part of the process.
    1. Completed application form
    2. Strategy overview
    3. Business plan, including;
      1. Background to the business and history
      2. Corporate governance system and organization structure, including:
    4. Committee structures and responsibilities;
    5. Conflict of interest policy; and
    6. Reporting lines
      1. Group structure, if applicable;
      2. Financial position (if applicable) and projected income and expenditure operation for the next three (3) years, including;
    7. Opening balance sheet
    8. Monthly forecasts of profit and loss
    9. Cash flow forecast
    10. Targeted clients, products and services, including:
      1. Opportunities identified in the UAE and expected volume of clients
      2. International opportunities and expected volume of customers
      3. Client segments to be served
      4. Fees structure payable by clients and borrower
    11. Marketing approach and delivery channels;
    12. Information and cyber security arrangements;
    13. Technology infrastructure, outsourcing arrangements, data warehousing arrangements, webhosting;
    14. Constitutional documents (such as board resolution) or draft (if available);
    15. Ownership details;
      1. Shareholder or partners’ details;
      2. Proof of identity for shareholders who are natural persons (a minimum of two separate documents); and
      3. Details and proof of identity (as above) for the ultimate beneficial owner
    16. The background and experience of senior management, including CVs of senior management1
    17. An assessment of key risks and mitigants, including risks relating to;
      1. Client asset handling arrangements;
      2. Inadequate systems and controls;
      3. Economic factors; and
      4. Competitors
    18. Audited financial statements (for the past three years, if available);
    19. Exit strategy and plan which includes, at a minimum;
      1. Identification of key risks and business disruptors
      2. Effects of key risks on CFP including reverse stress test and contingency planning arrangements
      3. Identification of key risks and business disruptors
    20. Application fee (if applicable) 

1 Senior management is understood to mean Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Risk Officer (CRO), Head of Compliance and Head of Internal Audit (or their equivalents) at a minimum