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Article (8) Armed Forces Staff Loans

C 29/2011 Effective from 23/3/2011

In the case of army personnel, the conditions detailed in our Notice No. 1850/2004 dated 14/06/2004 shall continue to apply, but with the following amendments:

a) The value of installments deducted by the bank (or the finance company) for all types of loans and facilities (personal- commercial- housing – car loan- credit cards and any other loans or facilities) shall not exceed 50% of the borrower's gross salary.

b) Military ID cards should not be taken, nor photocopied. A certificate issued by the Armed Forces stating gross salary, period of service and that the applicant is still holding his job should suffice.

c) In case a lending bank or finance company fails to abide with the above, the Armed Forces shall transfer the salary of the concerned Armed Forces staff to any other bank (or finance company) without referring to the bank that extended the loans or facilities.