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  • 4. Risks and Challenges Presented by Digital ID Systems

    Like any ID system, the reliability of digital ID systems depends on the strength of the documents, processes, technologies, and security measures used for identity proofing, credentialing, and authentication, as well as ongoing identity management. In both documentary and digital ID systems, reliability can be undermined by identity theft and source documents that can be easily forged or tampered with. Some types of fraud, such as “massive attack” frauds, may be less likely to occur in-person or in processes requiring human intervention. While digital ID systems provide security features that mitigate some issues with paper-based systems, they also increase some risks, such as data loss, data corruption, or misuse of data due to unauthorized access.

    Digital ID systems also present a variety of technical challenges and risks due to their reliance on open communications networks (i.e., the Internet) for identity proofing and authentication, and the involvement of multiple parties (such as the IDSP, the customer, and the relying LFI), which together can present multiple opportunities for cyberattacks. Without careful consideration of relevant risk factors and the implementation of appropriate, technology-based safeguards and effective governance and accountability measures to address these risks, criminals, money launderers, terrorists, and other illicit actors may be able to abuse digital ID systems to create false identities or exploit (e.g., hack or spoof) authenticators linked to a legitimate identity.

    The discussion below covers both identity proofing and enrollment risks and authentication risks. Risks at the identity proofing stage include the risk that proofing and enrollment processes result in digital IDs that are fake—that is, obtained under false pretenses through an intentionally malicious act—and can be used to facilitate illicit activities. These risks are mitigated by having an appropriate identity assurance level. Risks at the authentication stage include the risk that a legitimately issued digital ID has been compromised and that its credentials or authenticators are under the control of an unauthorized person. These risks are mitigated by having an appropriate authentication assurance level. This section concludes with a discussion of broader connectivity, cybersecurity, and privacy challenges in the digital space that may impact the integrity or availability of digital ID systems to conduct CDD.

    • 4.1. Identity Proofing and Enrollment Risks

      This section focuses on threats to the identity proofing and enrollment process presented by cyberattacks, security breaches, and the production and presentation of false identity evidence, either by stealing a real person’s identity or by combining real and fake information to create a new identity. The enrollment process may also be threatened through the compromise of, or misconduct by, an IDSP or through the compromise of the broader digital ID infrastructure. The latter type of threat is outside the scope of this Guidance and should be directly addressed by traditional computer security controls (such as intrusion protection, recordkeeping, and independent audits) and by broader governance and organizational requirements and digital ID assurance frameworks and standards.

      In certain respects, the risks arising from the presentation of stolen or counterfeit identity evidence can be even greater in digital ID systems, as online counterfeiters and cybercriminals may be able to obtain or produce false identity evidence at far greater scale than illicit actors trading solely in physical documents. Impersonation involves a person pretending to have the identity of another genuine person, including by using a stolen document of someone with a similar appearance or by combining stolen identity evidence with counterfeit or forged evidence (as when an imposter places his or her photo onto a stolen passport or ID card). By contrast, a synthetic ID is created by criminals by combining real (usually stolen) and fake information to create a new, synthetic identity, which can be used to open fraudulent accounts and make fraudulent purchases. Unlike impersonation, the criminal using a synthetic ID is pretending to be someone who does not exist in the real world, rather than impersonating an existing identity.

      For example, criminal groups have been known to produce synthetic digital IDs at large scale by stealing real individuals’ identity attributes and other data from online transactions or by hacking Internet databases, and combining these attributes with entirely fake information. The resulting synthetic IDs have been used to obtain credit cards or online loans and to withdraw funds, with the account abandoned shortly thereafter.

      The table below sets out these risks and presents some strategies for mitigating threats to the identity proofing and enrollment process, based on the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) Digital Identity Guidelines (also incorporated into the FATF’s Guidance on Digital Identity). FATF further advises regulated entities to utilize safeguards built into digital ID systems to prevent fraud, such as monitoring authentication events to detect systemic misuse of digital IDs to access accounts, including through lost, compromised, stolen, or sold digital ID credentials/authenticators, to feed into suspicious activity monitoring and reporting systems.

      Type of RiskDescriptionPotential Risk Mitigation Strategy
      Falsified identity proofing evidenceAn applicant claims an incorrect identity by using a forged driver’s license
      IDSP validates physical security features of presented evidence
      IDSP validates personal details in the evidence with the issuer or other authoritative source
      Fraudulent use of another’s identityAn applicant uses a passport associated with a different individual
      IDSP verified identity evidence and biometric of applicant against information obtained from issuer or other authoritative source


    • 4.2. Authentication and Identity Lifecycle Management Risks

      Risks at the authentication stage involve the possibility of bad actors asserting an individual’s legitimate identity to a relying party to open an account or obtain unauthorized access to products, services, and data. Key authentication vulnerabilities include:

       Credential stuffing (also referred to as breach replay or list cleaning): a type of cyberattack where stolen account credentials, often from a data breach, are tested for matches on other systems. This type of attack can be successful if the victim has used the same password that was stolen in the data breach for another account.
       Phishing: a fraudulent attempt to gather credentials from unknowing victims using social engineering attacks such as deceptive emails, phone calls, text messages, or websites. For example, a criminal may attempt to trick his or her victim into supplying names, passwords, government ID numbers, or credentials to a seemingly trustworthy source that is in fact controlled by the criminal.
       Man-in-the-middle (also known as credential interception): an attack that attempts to achieve the same goal as phishing and can be a tool to commit phishing, but does so by intercepting communications between the victim and the service provider.
       PIN code capture and replay: an attack in which a criminal uses a key logger to capture a PIN code entered on a computer keyboard or other device and, without the user noticing, uses the captured PIN to access services (e.g., when a smartcard is present in the reader).

      Most authentication vulnerabilities are exploited without the identity owner’s knowledge, but abuse can also involve the witting participation of subscribers or IDSPs. For example, shared-secret authenticators, such as passwords, may be stolen and exploited by bad actors, but they can also be deliberately shared by the owner of the identity credentials for illicit purposes, as in the case study below.


      Misuse of Digital ID by Straw Men

      Criminal organizations can purchase digital ID credentials from individuals that enable them to access the individuals’ accounts at LFIs or other regulated entities, in effect turning them into digital mules for the organization. The individuals may either already have an account or agree to open one in connection with selling the identity credentials.

      In one case highlighted by the FATF, criminal groups opened bank accounts using straw men, who established the account, obtained a digital ID and a security code, and provided their credentials to the criminal group, in exchange for money. In many cases, multiple digital IDs were used on a single mobile phone or tablet. Access to these accounts afforded the criminal groups access to real-time transactions, making it possible for them to quickly transfer money between various accounts. As the FATF notes, the overwhelming majority of digital IDs that are misused by criminal groups are issued on the basis of legitimate identity evidence.


      Some of the primary known risks at the authentication stage are associated with specific types of authenticators or authentication processes, including:

       Multifactor authentication vulnerabilities: Passwords or passcodes, which are supposed to be shared-secret knowledge authenticators, are vulnerable to brute-force login attacks, phishing attacks, and massive online data breaches, and are very easily defeated. Stolen, weak, or default passwords are believed to be behind the vast majority of data breaches. MFA solutions, such as SMS one-time codes texted to the subscriber’s phone, add another layer of security to passwords and passcodes, but they can also be vulnerable to phishing, subscriber identity module (“SIM”) card swapping, mobile device compromise, and other attacks.
         Phishing-resistant authenticators, where at least one factor relies on public key encryption, can help combat these vulnerabilities. In public-key encryption, a pair of keys are generated for an entity (person, system, or device), and that entity holds the private key securely, while freely distributing the public key to other entities. Anyone with the public key can then use it to encrypt a message to send to the private-key holder, knowing that only they will be able to open it. Examples of phishing-resistant authenticators include authenticators built off public key infrastructure (“PKI”) certificates or the Fast Identity Online (“FIDO”) Alliance standards.
         Per the Guidance for Financial Institutions adopting Enabling Technologies, LFIs should implement MFA using a biometric factor (discussed immediately below) where possible to authorize high-risk activities (including changes to personal, registration of third-party payee details, high-value funds transfers, and revisions to funds transfer limits) and to protect the integrity of customer account data and transaction details. Moreover, LFIs deploying MFA at login that includes a biometric factor should consider employing phishing-resistant authenticators where at least one factor relies on public key encryption to secure the customer authentication process.
       Biometric authenticators: Biophysical authenticators, such as fingerprints and iris scans, are more difficult to defeat than traditional authenticators and are increasingly ubiquitous. Most smart phones have built-in fingerprint scanners, some have built-in iris scanners, and facial recognition capabilities are built into many personal computer systems and advanced smart phones. Biometric characteristics can be stolen in bulk from central databases, obtained by taking high-resolution photos, lifted from objects the individual touches, or captured with high-resolution images and then spoofed. Currently, however, these types of attacks are difficult and/or highly resource intensive and therefore not scalable. For example, biometric authenticators that require on-device matching cannot be fraudulently used at scale because they require physical access to the device of the customer.
         Biometrics have a variety of other weaknesses that give rise to reliability concerns when used for authentication purposes and have led some technical standards to restrict their use for authentication (although not for identity proofing). Fingerprints may not be read or may be read incorrectly; and facial recognition factors can be rendered unreliable by changes in facial expressions, facial hair, makeup, or lighting conditions. Due to incomplete data sets, facial recognition has been less reliable for persons with darker skin pigmentation and certain ethnic features, although this is improving. In contrast to knowledge- or possession-based authenticators, stolen biometric authenticators are difficult to revoke or replace.
       Identity life cycle risks: Poor identity life cycle and access management can, wittingly or unwittingly, compromise the integrity of authenticators and enable unauthorized persons to access and misuse customer accounts, undermining the purpose of customer identification and verification, ongoing due diligence, and transaction monitoring requirements in protecting the financial system from abuse.
       Compromised MFA workflow bypass: Attackers have also been known to identify loopholes in MFA protocols, for example by initiating a denial-of-service attack that causes the MFA workflow to break or its security to degrade.
       Unknown risks: Digital ID systems develop and evolve. In many cases, technical design changes introduce operational improvements but bring with them vulnerabilities that are not apparent until they are exploited by bad actors in ways that disclose how the digital ID system has been compromised.
    • 4.3. Broader Issues Presented by Digital ID Systems

      Beyond specific risks associated with identity proofing/enrollment and authentication, there are a number of broader issues in the digital space that may impact the integrity or availability of digital ID systems to conduct CDD. These include but are not limited to:

       Connectivity issues: The lack of a reliable network infrastructure can undermine digital ID systems at particular customer touchpoints or across larger geographic areas for meaningful periods of time. However, digital ID systems can be designed to support both offline and online transactions, allowing them to function with or without access to the Internet or a mobile network. LFIs should consider the resilience of available networks and systems, including the geographic locations from which customers may be utilizing a digital ID system for authentication, when deciding whether to use a digital ID system for CDD.
       UAE frameworks for official identity: The reliability and independence of purely documentary approaches can be undermined by identity theft and the widespread counterfeiting of official identity documents, including where official identity documents either lack advanced security features to prevent tampering or counterfeiting or are issued without adequate identity proofing. Such weaknesses in the reliability of documentary identity evidence can have a cascading effect on the risks posed by digital ID systems, and identity theft from online databases can generate similar risks for both digital ID systems and documentary approaches.
         The Emirates ID utilizes ultraviolet ink, public key infrastructure, and fingerprint biometrics to prevent tampering or counterfeiting of the card.
         To further mitigate the risks associated with tampering or counterfeiting of official identity documents, LFIs should use the online validation gateway of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship when verifying the Emirates ID card, and should keep a copy of the Emirates ID and its digital verification in their records.8
       Data protection and privacy challenges: Digital ID involves the collection and processing of PII, potentially including biometrics. As such, digital ID systems are subject to local data protection and privacy (“DPP”) requirements, including Federal Decree-Law No .34 of 2021 Concerning the Fight Against Rumors and Cybercrime; Federal Decree-Law No. 46 of 2021 On Electronic Transactions and Trust Services; the Internet Access Management (IAM) policy; relevant Emirate-level requirements such as the Dubai Data Law; and Federal Decree-Law No. 45 of 2021 on the Protection of Personal Data, where relevant.
         Under the UAE’s DPP framework, LFIs and DISPs are not permitted to transfer or store personal data, including digital or physical copies of Emirates IDs, outside of the UAE, except as permitted by Articles 22 and 23 of the Federal Decree-Law No. 45 of 2021.
         LFIs should also consult the Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development, including Principle 8 regarding the protection of personal data and the maintenance of cyber security,9 as well as guidance from global standard-setting bodies in their respective sub-sectors.
       Financial exclusion considerations: Where digital ID systems do not cover all, or most, persons within a jurisdiction, or where they exclude certain populations, they may drive (or at least fail to mitigate) financial exclusion. The mandatory use of a specific digital ID that is not universally available for CDD presents challenges similar to the prescriptive use of a documentary ID that is not accessible to the entire population.
         Lack of access to digital technology or low levels of technological literacy may compound exclusion risks. For example, lack of access to mobile phones, smartphones, or other digital access devices, or lack of coverage and/or unreliable connectivity, may exclude poor and rural populations or women as well as those living in fragile and conflict-affected areas, such as refugees and displaced people.
         Digital ID systems may also contribute to financial exclusion if they use biometric authentication without providing alternative mechanisms for authentication, as certain biometric modalities have greater failure rates for some vulnerable groups. For example, manual laborers may have worn fingerprints, which cannot be read by biometric readers; the elderly may experience frequent match failure, due to altered facial characteristics, hair loss, or other signs of aging, illness, or other factors; and certain ethnic groups and individuals with certain physical characteristics related to darker pigmentation, eye shape, or facial hair experience disproportionate facial recognition failures.
         Special considerations for LFIs related to financial inclusion are discussed in section 5.2 below.

      8 See
      9 See Although developed to support the creation of “good” government-recognized ID systems, FATF’s Guidance on Digital ID notes that they apply more broadly and can be adopted by both public- and privately-provided and used identity systems and services.