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  • Chapter Two: Powers and Functions of the Central Bank Pertaining to Financial Infrastructure Systems

    • Article (126): Designation of Systems

      1) The Central Bank may designate any Financial Infrastructure System as systemically important if it considers, at its own discretion, that any malfunction or inefficiency in the operation of such system would negatively impact processing of the daily operations of financial institutions operating in the State, or the stability of the financial system in the State.

      2) For a Financial Infrastructure System to be designated, it shall meet one of the following conditions:

      1. a. The concerned system is operating in the State;
      2. b. The concerned system has the capacity to accept clearing and settlement of financial Transfer Orders denominated in national Currency, without prejudice to the provisions of Article (28) of this decretal law; or
      3. c. The concerned system has the capacity to provide transfer, clearing or settlement of financial Transfer Orders, for retail payment activities, denominated in any currency.

      3) Should the Central Bank intend to designate any of the Financial Infrastructure Systems it licenses as systemically important, it shall:

      1. a. Notify the operator of the system, or its Settlement Institution, officially, of its intention to designate this system as systemically important, clarify grounds of such intention, in addition to other terms and conditions attached to such designation.
      2. b. Allow such period as specified in the notice referred to in paragraph (a) of this item, which shall not be less than ten (10) working days from date of notification, within which the system’s operator or its Settlement Institution may provide their opinions, or make representations, as to why the system should not be designated.
      3. c. Issue its decision on designation of the system, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of receipt of responses from concerned parties, or expiry of the period stated in the notice, without response.

      4) The operator of the Designated System or the Settlement Institution may submit a grievance against the designation decision referred to in item (3) of this article by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of Part V of this Decretal Law.

      5) The Clearing and Settlement Systems established, developed, and/ or operated, in accordance with the provisions of Article (124) of this Decretal Law shall be deemed as Designated Systems.

      6) Should the Central Bank intend to designate any of the Financial Infrastructure Systems licensed by any of the other Regulatory Authorities in the State or in other jurisdictions as systemically important, it shall submit its opinion in this regard to the concerned regulatory authority. Should the concerned regulatory authority have no objection to such designation, it shall:

      1. a. Notify the operator of the system, or its Settlement Institution, officially of the intention to designate this system as systemically important, clarify grounds of such intention, in addition to other terms and conditions attached to such designation.
      2. b. Allow such period as specified in the notice referred to in paragraph (a) of this item, which shall not be less than ten (10) working days from date of notification, within which the system’s operator or its Settlement Institution may provide their opinions, or make representations, as to why the system should not be designated.
      3. c. Issue its final approval or disapproval decision on the Central Bank’s request to designate the concerned system, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of receipt of responses from concerned parties, or expiry of the period stated in the notice, without response.

      7) The Central Bank may revoke designation of a particular Financial Infrastructure System it licenses or request such action from the concerned regulatory authority, if it considered, at its own discretion, that the system is no longer of systemic importance. The concerned regulatory authority, the operator of the system, or its Settlement Institution shall be notified, officially, of such decision, as the case may be.

    • Article (127): Oversight of Systems

      1) The Central Bank shall solely have oversight powers over operations of systems which it licenses and shall ensure their soundness, in accordance with relevant international standards. For such purpose, the Central Bank may require the operators of systems or their Settlement Institutions to take required measures and procedures.

      2) The Central Bank shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of required additional oversight measures and procedures on Designated Systems, licensed by any of the other Regulatory Authorities, in the State or in other jurisdictions in collaboration and coordination with the concerned regulatory authority, and may request in this regard from the concerned regulatory authority:

      1. a. Require operators of the Designated Systems or their Settlement Institutions to comply with the instructions it issues in this respect and any relevant international standards.
      2. b. Ensure proper and regular functioning of Designated Systems.
      3. c. Ensure soundness of financial positions of operators of Designated Systems and their Settlement Institutions, when deemed necessary.
      4. d. Require the operators of the Designated Systems or their Settlement Institutions to provide it, with the information it deems appropriate for achievement of its objectives and discharge of its functions.

      3) The Central Bank may appoint any person it deems fit amongst experts and advisers specialized in financial infrastructure to assist the Central Bank in performing its duties and functions in accordance with the provisions of Part IV of this decretal law, and to keep up with best international standards and practices in this area.

    • Article (128): Suspension or Revocation of a License

      1) The Central Bank may suspend or revoke the license granted to a Financial Infrastructure System, in accordance with the provisions of Article nos. (124) and (125) of this decretal law, by way of an official notice to the operator or the Settlement Institution of the concerned system and take necessary actions in this respect, as the case may be, if it considered that the system is no longer capable of conducting its operations. The Central Bank shall allow such period as specified in the notice referred to in this item, which shall not be less than twenty (20) working days from the date of notice, within which the concerned system operator or its Settlement Institution may object to the Central Bank’s decision to suspend or revoke the license and provide their justifications for such objection, in accordance with the provisions of Part V of this decretal law.

      2) The Central Bank, if it considers that any Designated System licensed by any of the Regulatory Authorities in the State or in other jurisdictions is no longer capable of conducting its operations, may request the concerned regulatory authority, by way of an official notice, to suspend or revoke the license of this system and take necessary actions in this respect, as the case may be. The concerned regulatory authority shall have the right to approve or reject the request of the Central Bank. In case of approval, the procedures and controls in force by the concerned authority shall be applicable.

      3) In all cases, the suspension or revocation of a license granted to a Designated System in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall not affect any transaction cleared or settled in the concerned system prior to the effective date of suspension or revocation.


      This article has been amended by Decretal Federal Law No. (09) of 2021. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
      Version 1(effective from 31/10/2018 to 26/07/2021)

      1) The Central Bank may suspend or revoke a license granted to a Financial Infrastructure System, in accordance with the provisions of article nos. (124) and (125) of this decretal law, via an official notice to the operator or the Settlement Institution of the concerned system and take necessary actions in this respect, as the case may be, if it considered that the system is no longer capable of conducting its operations. The Central Bank shall allow such period as specified in the notice referred to in this item, which shall not be less than twenty (20) working days from date of notification, within which the concerned system operator or its Settlement Institution may object to the Central Bank’s decision to suspend or revoke the license and provide their justifications for such objection, in accordance with the provisions of Part Four of this decretal law.

      2) The Central Bank, if it considers that any Designated System licensed by any of the Regulatory Authorities in the State or in other jurisdictions is no longer capable of conducting its operations, may request the concerned regulatory authority, via an official notice, to suspend or revoke the license of this system and take necessary actions in this respect, as the case may be. The concerned regulatory authority shall have the right to approve or reject the request of the Central Bank. In case of approval, the procedures and controls in force by the concerned authority shall be applicable.

      3) In all cases, the suspension or revocation of a license granted to a Designated System in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall not affect any transaction cleared or settled in the concerned system prior to the effective date of suspension or revocation.


    • Article (129): Authority to Issue Regulations and Instructions

      1) The Board of Directors shall issue regulations, instructions, rules, directives, and codes of conduct as it deems appropriate for the implementation of the provisions of Part IV of this decretal law, and to achieve the objectives of the Central Bank and discharge its functions, including:

      1. a. Regulations, conditions and rules relating to licenses, granted by the Central Bank in accordance with the provisions of Article nos. (124) and (125) of this Decretal Law, to operators of Financial Infrastructure Systems or the Settlement Institutions for such systems and their Participant Persons.
      2. b. Regulations, rules and standards relating to the designation and oversight of Financial Infrastructure Systems, as per the provisions of Article nos. (126) and (127) of this Decretal Law, monitoring operations of such systems and enforcing compliance requirements on Participant Persons thereof.

      2) The Central Bank may exempt operators of Financial Infrastructure Systems it licenses, the Settlement Institutions of such systems or Participant Persons, in a general or specific manner, from the provisions of any of the regulations, instructions, rules, directives, and controls issued by it.

    • Article (130): Determining Violations

      1) The Board of Directors shall issue regulations specifying types of violations pertaining to Financial Infrastructure Systems licensed by the Central Bank, and any of the following instances shall be considered a violation to the terms and conditions relating thereto:

      1. a. Violation of operational requirements of systems and related settlement rules and procedures.
      2. b. Failure of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to comply with a Central Bank request for information or documents.
      3. c. Failure to comply with Central Bank’s decisions and instructions, and failure to take a particular action, which the Central Bank considers necessary to render the system compliant with the criteria it sets.
      4. d. Failure, on the part of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to report any action taken under the systems Default Arrangements, in respect of a Participant Person.
      5. e. Failure, on the part of a Participant Person, to notify the system operator, its Settlement Institutions, and the Central Bank of issuance of judgement to declare it bankrupt or place it under liquidation.
      6. f. Operating a system without obtaining a license in accordance with the provisions of Article nos. (124) and (125) of this Decretal Law.
      7. g. Failure of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to comply with any request from the Central Bank or any other government agency, relating to default, within a specified time period.
      8. h. Failure of an operator of a system to notify the Central Bank of issuance of judgment regarding declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of any Participant Person.
      9. i. Providing the Central Bank with incorrect or misleading information.
      10. j. Adding an incorrect entry to any registration book or in any document related to a particular system, or causing alteration, deletion or obliteration of such entry.
      11. k. Any other related action to the clearing and settlement operations or to the retail payment operations the Central Bank considers a violation.

      2) The Central Bank may take whatever actions it deems appropriate to correct any violations referred to in item (1) of this article, and determine settlement thereof.

      3) The Central Bank shall officially notify the violating Person, in accordance of item (1) of this article, of any actions that shall be undertaken against it. The violating Person shall be allowed a period not exceeding ten (10) working days from date of notification to submit a grievance against the Central Bank decision. In case the grievance was rejected, the violating Person may escalate the matter to the Grievances and Appeals Committee in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law. The decision of the Grievances and Appeals Committee shall be final. Should the violating Person not respond to Central Bank’s decision within the period prescribed in this item, the decision of the Central Bank shall be final and binding.