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Article (130) Determining Violations

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) The Board of Directors shall issue regulations specifying types of violations pertaining to Financial Infrastructure Systems licensed by the Central Bank, and any of the following instances shall be considered a violation to the terms and conditions relating thereto:

  • a. Violation of operational requirements of systems and related settlement rules and procedures.
  • b. Failure of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to comply with a Central Bank request for information or documents.
  • c. Failure to comply with Central Bank’s decisions and instructions, and failure to take a particular action, which the Central Bank considers necessary to render the system compliant with the criteria it sets.
  • d. Failure, on the part of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to report any action taken under the systems Default Arrangements, in respect of a Participant Person.
  • e. Failure, on the part of a Participant Person, to notify the system operator, its Settlement Institutions, and the Central Bank of issuance of judgement to declare it bankrupt or place it under liquidation.
  • f. Operating a system without obtaining a license in accordance with the provisions of article nos. (124) and (125) of this decretal law.
  • g. Failure of an operator of a system or its Settlement Institution to comply with any request from the Central Bank or any other government agency, relating to default, within a specified time period.
  • h. Failure of an operator of a system to notify the Central Bank of issuance of judgment regarding declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of any Participant Person.
  • i. Providing the Central Bank with incorrect or misleading information.
  • j. Adding an incorrect entry to any registration book or in any document related to a particular system, or causing alteration, deletion or obliteration of such entry.
  • k. Any other related action to the clearing and settlement operations or to the retail payment operations the Central Bank considers a violation.

2) The Central Bank may take whatever actions it deems appropriate to correct any violations referred to in item (1) of this article, and determine settlement thereof.

3) The Central Bank shall officially notify the violating Person, in accordance of item (1) of this article, of any actions that shall be undertaken against it. The violating Person shall be allowed a period not exceeding ten (10) working days from date of notification to submit a grievance against the Central Bank decision. In case the grievance was rejected, the violating Person may escalate the matter to the Grievances & Appeals Committee in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law. The decision of the Grievances & Appeals Committee shall be final. Should the violating Person not respond to Central Bank’s decision within the period prescribed in this item, the decision of the Central Bank shall be final and binding.