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Article (20)
Fed Res Cab 10/2019Financial Institutions and DNFBPs shall have internal policies, procedures and controls for combating the Crime, that should be commensurate with the Crime risks, and with the nature and size of their business, and to continuously update them, and to apply them to all its branches and subsidiaries in which it holds majority interest, including the following:
- CDD measures towards Customers as required in accordance with the Decretal-Law and the present Decision, including procedures for the risk management of business relationships prior to completing the verification process.
- Procedures for the reporting of Suspicious Transactions.
- Appropriate arrangements for compliance management for combating the Crime, including appointing a compliance officer
- Screening procedures to ensure the availability of high competence and compatibility standards when hiring staff
- Preparation of periodic programs and workshops in the field of combatting the Crime to build the capabilities of compliance officers and other competent employees.
- An independent audit function to test the effectiveness and adequacy of internal polices, controls and procedures relating to combating the Crime.