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Article (12) Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Audit

C 7/2023
  1. Open Finance Providers must establish a framework with appropriate mitigation measures and control mechanisms to manage the operational, security and other risks to which they are or might become, exposed.
  2. The framework established under Article 12(1) of this Regulation must be proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the Open Finance Provider’s business, and must contain, at a minimum:

    2.1incident management procedures, including for the detection and classification of major operational and security incidents;
    2.2business continuity and disaster recovery plans, which include: (i) an adequate business continuity management programme to ensure continuation, timely recovery, or in extreme situations, orderly scale-down of critical operations in the event of major disruptions. The programme must comprise business impact analysis, recovery strategies, a business continuity plan and alternative sites for business and information technology recovery; and (ii) appropriate software development life cycle practices to ensure operational resilience and minimise application failures that may pose risks to users; and
    2.3sound administrative and accounting procedures.
  3. Open Finance Providers must establish a risk management function, an internal audit function and a compliance function and ensure that they are adequately resourced.
  4. Open Finance Providers must establish and maintain on an ongoing basis a wind down plan that is acceptable to the Central Bank.
  5. The risk management function must be independent, permanent, have a reporting line directly to the Board and effectively monitor, report on and mitigate the operational, market, credit, legal and other risks to which the Open Finance Provider is exposed.
  6.  The compliance function must be independent, permanent, have a reporting line directly to the Board and must monitor and report on observance of all applicable laws, regulations and standards and on adherence by staff and Senior Management to legal requirements, proper code of conduct and the requirements of this Regulation and other Regulations, where applicable.
  7. The internal audit function must be independent, permanent, report directly to the Board, employ best practice in internal audit, and be effective. It must provide independent assurance to Senior Management on the quality of the Open Finance Provider’s internal controls, risk management, compliance, systems, and controls.
  8.  Open Finance Providers must not Outsource any material activity, including to any related party without the prior receipt of notification of non-objection from the Central Bank. Open Finance Providers will retain full responsibility for the services provided by any Outsourced service provider. Although all requests for non-objection will be considered on their individual merits, the Central Bank will, in general, not permit the Outsourcing of core activities, and key management and control functions.
  9.  Regulatory requirements for specific functions including risk management, internal audit and compliance, may be established in separate Regulations.