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Article 14

IA-BOD-RES 9/2011 Effective from 4/12/2011

The Health Insurance Third Party Administrator may provide its services to more than one Insurance Company and may contract with more than one Medical Service Provider, provided that separate records and bank accounts shall be kept for each contract concluded with insurance companies.

Article (14 repeated) 


  1. The Health Insurance TPA Company may open a branch or more inside the State after obtaining the approval of IA for each individual branch, subject to the following conditions:
    1. A decision by the Board of Directors or the Management Board of the Health Insurance TPA Company is issued to open the branch;
    2. An officer and specialized staff shall appointed for the branch subject to satisfying the conditions set forth in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of Article 7 of these Instructions. The Branch Manager shall submit a declaration acknowledging his full responsibility for the actual management of the branch;
    3. A period of no less than one year must have elapsed since the licensing of the TPA Company, during which the Company has actually conducted the activity within the State and has not been subject to any serious administrative sanctions or violations.
  2. The Health Insurance TPA Company may request the closure of the branch under a decision to be issued by the Director General;
  3. Any other controls or conditions set by the IA.

Article (14 repeated 1)

The Health Insurance TPA Company may open a branch or more outside the State provided the IA shall be notified of all the procedures from date of obtaining the license to the end of its business for any reason, in addition to indicating the approval of the regulators in the host country.