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Article 16

IA-BOD-RES 15/2013 Effective from 9/10/2013

The Insurance Broker shall comply with the following obligations towards the Clients:

  1. Sign a written authorization with all its Clients to authorize it to perform the Insurance
    Brokerage business according to the form designed for this purpose and approved by the
    IA. The authorization shall particularly include the following:
    1. The authorities of the Insurance Broker to communicate with any company
      licensed by the IA or with any licensed company nominated by the Client.
    2. The responsibilities and authorities of the Insurance Broker regarding the claimprocedures for compensation which may be entitled by a Client who reports an
      insured accident.
  2. Not to restrict the Client’s freedom to withdraw or cancel the authorization, and not to charge the Client for any financial costs as a result thereof.
  3. Provide technical advice and consultation, and inform the Client of the best conditions and rates of the companies and keep the documents proving such and register them in duly organized records. In addition, they must negotiate in favor of the Client and represent them before the Company and not to receive any commission for such negotiation.
  4. Observe the interests of the Client whether when comparing the conditions, rates and the scope of insurance cover, or in terms of preferring to work with a certain Company rather than others; and not to recommend or advocate any company just because it offers higher commission to the Insurance Broker.
  5. Ensure that the Client is aware of and has understood the type of service provided and the nature of relationship between them, as well as ensuring that the policy meets all the Client’s requirements.
  6. Notify the Client of all the details of the insurance policy in terms of insurance cover, coinsurance rate (deductible), if any, the surrender amount prior to the scheduled maturity or before the insured risk is realized, or any other conditions, exclusions or restrictions of the insurance policy.
  7. Explain the importance of disclosure of the essential and fundamental information when submitting an application for insurance and the consequences of concealing, inaccuracy or invalidity of any data or documents provided by the Client, as well as explaining the Client’s full responsibility for such data and information.
  8. Explain the importance of disclosing any future changes that may affect the insurance cover during the term of the insurance policy.
  9. Explain the method of payment of insurance premiums highlighting the importance of remitting same in due dates, and the consequences that may be incurred due to failure to observe such due dates.
  10. Send insurance policies to Clients without undue delay, enclosing a notice stating the importance of reading the policy carefully.
  11. Explain the procedures that must be followed by the Client in case the insured risk occurs; and assist in the negotiations with the Company regarding the claims arising from the occurrence of the said risk; and notify the Client immediately of Company's decision to accept or reject the provision of the insurance cover related to such claims.
  12. Not to assign the insurance brokerage tasks to other insurance brokers without obtaining the written approval of the Client and the insurance company thereto.
  13. Inform the Client in writing (20) days before the expiry date of the insurance policy so that the Client can expresses their desire in writing regarding the following:
    1. Renewal of the insurance policy with the same Insurance Broker or not.
    2. Renewal of the insurance policy with the same company under the same conditions, or with the same company under different conditions, or with another company according to other proposal presented by the Insurance Broker to the Client.
  14. Deal in accordance with the principles of good faith and transparency and professional
    rules and ethics, subject to the confidentiality of the Client's data and information