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Article (38)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007
  1. A.The company shall provide the authority with the insurance policies' forms and endorsements they have approved for its operations including the general and special terms and conditions and the technical basis of these policies and the premiums rates annexed thereto and as well shall provide the director general with schedules of the redemption values of the life assurance policies and funds accumulation operations and the premiums rates annexed thereto.

    B. The director general should the public interest require or in case of existence of a genuine imperfection may demand insertion of amendments into these forms within the period he determines for the purpose. The company may oppose the amendment and in case no agreement reached the matter shall be referred to the Board to settle it.
  2. The company shall provide the insured and the beneficiaries with copies of the insurance policies and the related details.