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B. Standardised Approach

C 52/2017 GUI Effective from 1/4/2021

1- Below is small example indicated which to include and exclude in the gross income:

ProvisionsProfits/losses from sale of securities
Operating expensesExtraordinary/ irregular items


Gross income for each business line should:

  1. -Be gross of any provisions (for example, for unpaid interest).
  2. -Be gross of operating expenses, including fees paid to outsourcing service providers.
  3. -Exclude realised profits/losses from the sale of securities in the banking book.
  4. -Exclude extraordinary or irregular items as well as income derived from insurance claims.

2- The following table shows how to calculate the capital charge for operational risk using the Standardised Approach:

Business lineBeta factorGross incomeCapital requirement
  Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 1Year 2*Year 3Average
Corporate finance18%250300200455436 
Trading and sales18%100-70-8018-12.6-14.4 
Retail banking12%500200-3006024-36 
Commercial banking15%400300400604560 
Payment and settlement18%300350300546354 
Agency services15%75504511.257.56.75 
Asset management12%50-100-206-12-2.4 
Retail brokerage12%1501008018129.6 
Total Gross Income 1,8251,130625    
Aggregate Capital Requirement**    272.25180.9113.55189***

*Gross Income x Beta factor

**Sum of eight capital charges for the year – remember within a year negative capital charges can offset positive charges among business lines

***Three-year average capital charge

3- Another example to illustrate the negative Gross income:

Business lineBeta factorGross incomeCapital requirement
  Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 1Year 2Year 3Average
Corporate finance18%250-300200455436 
Trading and sales18%100-70-8018-12.6-14.4 
Retail banking12%500200-3006024-36 
Commercial banking15%400-300400604560 
Payment and settlement18%300350300546354 
Agency services15%75504511.257.56.75 
Asset management12%50-100-206-12-2.4 
Retail brokerage12%1501008018129.6 
Total Gross Income 1,825-70625    
Aggregate Capital Requirement    272.250*113.55129**

*Total capital charge against all business lines for year 2 is negative (-17.1), so the numerator for year 2 is set to zero

**Capital charge averaged for three years, with the numerator for year 2 set to zero