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Article (13) Record Keeping
C 7/2023Open Finance Providers must maintain records relating to the provision of their Open Finance Services, which must at a minimum include records of the following matters:
1.1. User consent to access User Data and/or Initiate Transactions as required under Article 22 of this Regulation;
1.2. Evidence of all User Data provided to the Open Finance Provider by Licensees who are Data Holders on behalf of Users;
1.3. All Transactions Initiated by the Open Finance Provider on the instruction of Users; and
1.4. Evidence of all User Data related to a Transaction which was destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
- All records maintained pursuant to Article 13 of this Regulation must be kept securely, in a durable medium and must be capable of being made available to the Central Bank promptly upon request.
- Open Finance Providers must retain the records referred to in Article 13 of this Regulation for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of creation of such records, unless otherwise required by applicable laws or the Central Bank.