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Article (13) Record Keeping

C 7/2023
  1. Open Finance Providers must maintain records relating to the provision of their Open Finance Services, which must at a minimum include records of the following matters:

    1.1.User consent to access User Data and/or Initiate Transactions as required under Article 22 of this Regulation;
    1.2.Evidence of all User Data provided to the Open Finance Provider by Licensees who are Data Holders on behalf of Users;
    1.3.All Transactions Initiated by the Open Finance Provider on the instruction of Users; and
    1.4.Evidence of all User Data related to a Transaction which was destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
  2. All records maintained pursuant to Article 13 of this Regulation must be kept securely, in a durable medium and must be capable of being made available to the Central Bank promptly upon request.
  3. Open Finance Providers must retain the records referred to in Article 13 of this Regulation for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of creation of such records, unless otherwise required by applicable laws or the Central Bank.