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1. On-Balance-Sheet Exposures

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

19.Banks must include all balance sheet assets in their leverage ratio exposure measure, including on-balance-sheet derivatives collateral and collateral for SFTs, with the exception of on-balance-sheet derivative and SFT assets that are covered in subsections two and three below.

20.On-balance-sheet, non-derivative assets are included in the leverage ratio exposure measure at their accounting values less deductions for associated specific provisions. In addition, general provisions or general loan loss reserves, which have reduced Tier 1 capital, may be deducted from the leverage ratio exposure measure.

21.Regular-way purchases or sales of financial assets that have not been settled (hereafter “unsettled trades”) can be accounted for either on the trade date (trade date accounting) or on the settlement date (settlement date accounting). For the purpose of the leverage ratio exposure measure, banks using trade date accounting must reverse out any offsetting between cash receivables for unsettled sales and cash payables for unsettled purchases of financial assets that may be recognized under the applicable accounting framework, but may offset between those cash receivables and cash payables (regardless of whether such offsetting is recognized under the applicable accounting framework) if the following conditions are met:

  • the financial assets bought and sold that are associated with cash payables and receivables are fair valued through income and included in the bank’s regulatory trading book; and
  • the transactions of the financial assets are settled on a delivery-versus-payment basis.

Banks using settlement date accounting will be subject to the treatment set out in the off-balance sheet of this Standard.

22.Cash pooling refers to arrangements involving treasury products whereby a bank combines the credit and/or debit balances of several individual participating customer accounts into a single account balance to facilitate cash and/or liquidity management. For the purposes of the leverage ratio exposure measure, where a cash pooling arrangement entails a transfer at least on a daily basis of the credit and/or debit balances of the individual participating customer accounts into a single account balance, the individual participating customer accounts are deemed to be extinguished and transformed into a single account balance upon the transfer, provided the bank is not liable for the balances on an individual basis upon the transfer. When the transfer of credit and/or debit balances of the individual participating customer accounts does not occur daily, for purposes of the leverage ratio exposure measure, extinguishment and transformation into a single account balance is deemed to occur and this single account balance may serve as the basis of the leverage ratio exposure measure provided all of the following conditions are met:

  • in addition to providing for the several individual participating customer accounts, the cash pooling arrangement provides for a single account, into which the balances of all individual participating customer accounts can be transferred and thus extinguished;
  • the bank (i) has a legally enforceable right to transfer the balances of the individual participating customer accounts into a single account so that the bank is not liable for the balances on an individual basis and (ii) at any point in time, the bank must have the discretion and be in a position to exercise this right;
  • the Central Bank does not deem as inadequate the frequency by which the balances of individual participating customer accounts are transferred to a single account;
  • there are no maturity mismatches among the balances of the individual participating customer accounts included in the cash pooling arrangement or all balances are either overnight or on demand; and
  • the bank charges or pays interest and/or fees based on the combined balance of the individual participating customer accounts included in the cash pooling arrangement.

In the event the abovementioned conditions are not met, the individual balances of the participating customer accounts must be reflected separately in the leverage ratio exposure measure.