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10.2 Risk Register

N 35/2018 STA
  1. 10.2.1The Risk Register is the record where the results of risk analysis, whether qualitative or quantitative, are logged including the mitigating measures and risk ownerships;
  2. 10.2.2The Licensed Person must maintain a risk register in the appropriate format with the following information at a minimum:
    1. a)Risk Item;
    2. b)Description of Risk Item;
    3. c)Probability/ Likelihood;
    4. d)Impact/ Consequence;
    5. e)Risk Ranking;
    6. f)Mitigation Measures;
    7. g)Contingency Plan;
    8. h)Risk Ownership; and
    9. i)Deadlines for implementing mitigating measures.
  3. 10.2.3The Risk Register must be reviewed at least quarterly to ensure that it is updated with upcoming, relevant risks and appropriate mitigating measures; and
  4. 10.2.4Periodical reports on actions initiated to mitigate various risks must be submitted to the Board of Directors (or to the Owner/Partners where there is no Board of Directors).