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11.6 Fraud Incidents Register

N 35/2018 STA
  1. 11.6.1The Licensed Person must maintain appropriate register to record the following information about fraud incidents and this register must be available for the verification by the Central Bank Examiners during an examination:
    1. a)Date of fraud incident;
    2. b)Brief description of the fraud incident;
    3. c)Parties involved;
    4. d)Amount of loss;
    5. e)Was the loss covered by insurance or not?
    6. f)Date of reporting to the police, FID and the Banking Supervision Department;
    7. g)Other actions taken; and
    8. h)Disciplinary actions taken, if applicable.
  2. 11.6.2A review of Fraud Incident Register must be carried out at the end of every financial year to identify the anti-fraud training needs of employees for the following year.