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6. Prohibition of Tipping Off

Effective from 11/11/2021

Under Article 25 of AML-CFT Law, anyone who notifies or warns a person or reveals any transaction under review in relation to suspicious transactions or being investigated by the competent authorities is punishable by a penalty of imprisonment for no less than six months and/or a fine of no less than AED 100,000 and no more than AED 500,000. Any such action is known as “tipping off.” As per Paragraph 16.27 of the Standards, the prohibition on tipping off means that the LEH or its employees must not inform customers or any persons or third parties, either directly or indirectly, that their transactions are subject to monitoring, under investigation or have been reported to the FIU as suspicious transactions. The Compliance Officer should ensure that all employees of the LEH are aware of the consequences of tipping off. Sufficient AML/CFT training should be provided to all employees to ensure that they understand what constitutes tipping off and how to avoid it.