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Article (10)

Effective from 14/5/2019

1. In the event that the period stipulated in the preceding Article lapsed without completing the conditions, data or documents required by the applicant, the competent department shall refer the matter to the Director General.

2. The Director General shall consider the matter and issue his decision either by giving the applicant additional period of time or rejecting the application.

3. The applicant shall be entitled to submit a new application that meets the requirements after lapse of three months as of the Director General’s decision to reject the application.

4. In the event that the new application satisfied the acceptable requisites, the competent department shall refer the application to the Director General.

5. The Director General shall refer the application to the Board to issue the decision whether by approval or rejection within sixty days from the referral date.

6. The decision to approve the license shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be communicated to the competent authorities for the implementation of its context.

7. The competent department shall prepare a form for the licensing decision and shall be approved by the Director General.