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Article (14)

Effective from 14/5/2019

1- The registration period shall be for one year ending at the end of December. In case of obtaining the registration during the year, the first registration period shall commence from the date of the registration and ends at the end of the same year.

2. The registration shall be renewed annually thirty days prior to its expiry through the Electronic Means or other means adopted by the Authority, enclosing the following:

A - A list including the names of the Chairman, the members of the Board of Directors ,the Director General and his deputies and the senior officers of the company.

B- The company's branches inside and outside the State in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Article (15).

C) The names of the actuaries, financial auditors and legal consultants appointed by the company or contracted with it and reinsurance brokers with whom the company deals.

D- The projected financial statement for the next fiscal year.