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Article (43)

Fed Res Cab 10/2019

The FIU shall be responsible for carrying out its duties at the international level as follows:

  1. Exchanging information with its FIU counterparts in other countries on STRs or any other information the FIU has the power to obtain or access, whether directly or indirectly, as per the international agreements to which the State is a party or any memorandums of understanding the FIU has entered into with FIU counterparts to regulate its cooperation with them or on the condition of reciprocity.
  2. Reporting to its FIU counterparts the outcomes of using the submitted information and analysis conducted based on that information.
  3. The information specified in Clauses (1) and (2) of this Article may not be used except for Crime-combatting purposes and may not be disclosed to any third party without the FIU’s approval.
  4. Following up on the developments relating to Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing crimes through the relevant regional and international organisations and bodies and participating in related meetings.
  5. Following up with the requirements of the Egmont Group, as well as participating and attending its meetings as a member of the group.