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D. Operational Requirements and Treatment of Clean-Up Calls

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

12.For securitisation transactions that include a clean-up call, no capital shall be required due to the presence of a clean-up call if the following conditions are met:

  1. a.The exercise of the clean-up call is not mandatory, in form or in substance, but rather is at the discretion of the originating bank;
  2. b.The clean-up call is not structured to avoid allocating losses to credit enhancements or positions held by investors or otherwise structured to provide credit enhancement; and
  3. c.The clean-up call is exercisable only when 10% or less of the original underlying portfolio or securities issued remains, or, for synthetic securitisations, when 10% or less of the original reference portfolio value remains.
  4. d.Such other conditions as the Central Bank shall provide after notification to banks pursuant to a circular or otherwise.

13.Securitisation transactions that include a clean-up call that does not meet all of the criteria stated in the immediately preceding paragraph result in a capital requirement for the originating bank. For a traditional securitisation, the bank must treat the underlying exposures as if they were not securitized. Additionally, banks must not recognize in regulatory capital any gain on sale. For synthetic securitisations, the bank purchasing protection must hold capital against the entire amount of the securitized exposures as if they did not benefit from any credit protection.

14.If a clean-up call, when exercised, is found to serve as a credit enhancement, the exercise of the clean-up call must be considered a form of implicit support provided by the bank, and must be treated as such in accordance with the requirements related to implicit support stated below in this Standard.