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G. Simple, Transparent, and Comparable Criteria

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/4/2021

32.In general, to qualify for treatment as simple, transparent, and comparable (STC), a securitisation must meet all of the criteria specified in the Standards, including the Appendix to the Standards. The criteria include a requirement that the aggregated value of all exposures to a single obligor as of the acquisition date not exceed 2% of the aggregated outstanding exposure value of all exposures in the securitisation. However, the BCBS has permitted flexibility for jurisdictions with structurally concentrated corporate loan markets. In those cases, for corporate exposures only, the applicable maximum concentration threshold for STC treatment can be increased to 3%. This increase is subject to ex ante supervisory approval, and banks with such exposures should consult with the Central Bank regarding STC treatment. In addition, the seller or sponsor of such a pool must retain subordinated positions that provide loss-absorbing credit enhancement covering at least the first 10% of losses. These credit-enhancing positions retained by the sellers or sponsor are not eligible for STC capital treatment.