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II. Definitions

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

In general, terms in this Standard have the meanings defined in other regulations and standards issued by the Central Bank. In addition, for this Standard, the following terms have the meanings defined in this section.

  1. a.Concentration risk is the potential for a loss in value of an investment portfolio of a bank when an individual or group of exposures move together in an unfavorable direction.
  2. b.Cyber risk means any risk of financial loss, disruption or damage to the reputation of an organisation from some sort of failure of its information technology systems.
  3. c.Management information system, or MIS: Any process, systems or framework used by an institution to collect, store or disseminate data in the form of useful information to the relevant stakeholders for decision-making.
  4. d.Operational Risk: The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems or from external events. This definition includes legal risk but excludes strategic and reputational risk.