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J. Past Due Loans

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

31.The unsecured portion of any loan (other than a residential mortgage loan as per section H above) that is past due for more than 90 days, net of specific provisions (including partial write-offs), must be risk-weighted as follows:

  1. (i)150% risk weight when specific provisions are less than 20% of the outstanding amount of the loan;
  2. (ii)100% risk weight when specific provisions are 20% and above of the outstanding amount of the loan.

32.In the case of residential mortgage loans as per section H above, when such loans are past due for more than 90 days they shall be risk weighted at 100%, net of any specific provisions.

33.For the purpose of defining the secured portion of the past due loan, eligible collateral and guarantees shall be the same as for Credit Risk Mitigation set out below at section IV.

34.Past due retail loans are to be excluded from the overall regulatory retail portfolio when assessing the granularity criterion specified in Paragraph 21, for risk-weighting purposes.