10)The strategy should include specific policies on liquidity management, such as:
•the composition of assets and liabilities;
•the diversity and stability of funding sources;
•the approach to managing liquidity in different currencies, across borders, and across business lines and legal entities;
•the approach to intraday liquidity management; and
•The assumptions on the liquidity and marketability of assets.
11)The strategy should take account of liquidity needs under normal conditions as well as under periods of liquidity stress as a result of firm specific or a market wide crisis and a combination of these two. The strategy may include various high-level quantitative and qualitative targets. The board of directors should approve the strategy and critical policies and practices and review them at least annually.
12)The liquidity strategy should be appropriate for the nature, scale and complexity of the bank’s activities. In formulating this strategy, the bank should take into consideration its legal structures, key business lines, the breadth and diversity of markets, products, and jurisdictions in which it operates, and the regulatory requirements it is subject to.