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14.3 Users

N 35/2018 STA
  1. 14.3.1All User IDs in the Point of Sale system, email and computer systems must be created only by the designated IT person;
  2. 14.3.2A Separate user ID must be created for each employee and users shall not be allowed to share their User IDs in order to preserve the segregation of duties;
  3. 14.3.3“Administrator rights” must be restricted only to authorized IT persons and must be restricted in number;
  4. 14.3.4User names of employees who resign must be de-activated immediately upon them leaving the Licensed Person;
  5. 14.3.5Emails of an employee, who has resigned, may be diverted to another employee, if necessary, with the special approval of the Manager in Charge and this must be covered in the IT policy; and
  6. 14.3.6Privileges assigned to the users must be reviewed at regular intervals and ensure the timely removal of unnecessary privileges.