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3.c. Bank Acting as Agent

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

47.If a bank acting as agent in an SFT provides an indemnity or guarantee to only one of the two parties involved, and only for the difference between the value of the security or cash its customer has lent and the value of collateral the borrower has provided, the bank is exposed to the counterparty of its customer for the difference in values rather than to the full exposure to the underlying security or cash of the transaction.

48.Where a bank acting as agent in an SFT provides an indemnity or guarantee to a customer or counterparty for any difference between the value of the security or cash the customer has lent and the value of collateral the borrower has provided and the bank does not own or control the underlying cash or security resource, then the bank will be required to include a measure of CCR in its leverage ratio exposure measure by applying paragraph 46.

49.A bank acting as agent in an SFT and providing an indemnity or guarantee to a customer or counterparty will be considered eligible for the exceptional treatment set out in the paragraph above only if the bank’s exposure to the transaction is limited to the guaranteed difference between the value of the security or cash its customer has lent and the value of the collateral the borrower has provided. In situations where the bank is further economically exposed (i.e. beyond the guarantee for the difference) to the underlying security or cash in the transaction, a further exposure equal to the full amount of the security or cash must be included in the leverage ratio exposure measure.

50.Where a bank acting as agent provides an indemnity or guarantee to both parties involved in an SFT (i.e. securities lender and securities borrower), the bank will be required to calculate its leverage ratio exposure measure separately for each party involved in the transaction.