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Article 10 - Proposal for Listing to the Sanctions Committee

Subject to paragraph (2) of Article (2) of the present Decision, and if the Council is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds or a sound basis to suspect or believe that a person or organization meets the designation criteria for Listing on the Sanctions List, the Council may, unilaterally and without prior notice, propose Listing on the relevant Sanctions List of any person or organization, by submitting such proposal to the Security Council or the concerned Sanctions Committee such as those established pursuant to UNSCRs 1988 (2011), 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011), 2253 (2015), 1718 (2006) and 2231 (2015) for designation and successor resolutions, while taking into account the relevant designation criteria and using the standard forms approved by the relevant committee for Listing in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. The Council shall seek to collect information about the person or organization proposed for Listing using the assistance of Law Enforcement Authorities and relevant entities in the State, for the purposes of preparing the proposal for Listing on the Sanctions List.
  2. The Council shall communicate, through diplomatic or established security channels with the country of nationality or current or past residence of the proposed person in order to obtain information, if possible.
  3. The Listing proposal must include a detailed statement of the case to support the proposed Listing, and the specific criteria on the basis of which the name of the person or organization was proposed for Listing, including:
    1. Specific results and reasons showing fulfillment of the Listing criteria as set out in relevant UNSCRs or by the relevant Sanctions Committee.
    2. Evidence or documents supporting the Listing proposal such as reports of Law Enforcement Authorities, security services, the Judiciary, the media and others.
    3. Details on any relationship with a person currently listed on the Sanctions List.
  4. The Council shall work on providing a statement of information to the extent possible as per the Consolidated Form for the purposes of Listing on the relevant Sanctions List.
  5. The Listing proposal must include a statement by the State as to whether the Sanctions Committee can disclose that the State is the entity requesting the listing or not.
  6. The Council shall send the Listing proposal to the relevant Sanctions Committee through the Office.