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Article 11 - Mandate of the Office

For the purposes of implementing the provisions of the present Decision, the Office - as a National Coordination Body - shall have the following mandate:

  1. Take necessary measures to implement UN Security Council resolutions, Without Delay and without prior notice to the Listed Person, in accordance with the requirements thereof, particularly resolutions related to Terrorism, Terrorist Financing and the Prevention, Suppression and Disruption of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and its Financing.
  2. Publish the Sanctions List and the updated Local Lists on the Office’s website, Without Delay.
  3. Notify a Listed Person residing in the State of their Listing, after the completion of the Funds freezing procedures, and provide such Listed Person with the Narrative Summary directly, or with the necessary information on the reasons for their listing, and explain the implications of their Listing on the Sanctions List, the procedures that the Sanctions Committee follows in considering requests for de-listing from the Sanctions List, including the possibility of submitting such requests to the Ombudsperson or Focal Point, as the case may be, in addition to the possibility of using part of the Funds frozen in accordance with the provisions of the present Decision , by making this information available on the Office’s website.
  4. Receive and process notifications relating to measures taken in implementation of the relevant UNSCR or Local Lists.
  5. Receive grievances against Listing on Local Lists, requests for lifting freezing or Other Measures taken against persons with names similar to the names of Listed Persons, in addition to requests for using frozen Funds.
  6. Internal coordination and exchange of information between concerned entities regarding the implementation of the provisions of the present Decision, including coordination to develop typology reports on the evasion of freezing and Other Measures, and cooperation with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in developing red flags at financial institutions and DNFBPs related to evading freezing and Other Measures.
  7. Collect the results of supervision and enforcement measures from Supervisory Authorities related to implementing the provisions of the present Decision and coordinate efforts in this regard.
  8. Communicate and engage with FIs, DNFBPs and the public with regards to the implementation of the provisions of the present Decision, including by providing training, outreach and awareness raising in coordination with Supervisory Authorities, in order to enhance effectiveness at the level of receiving notifications from the Office related to the Sanctions List and Local Lists, Without Delay; and issue the necessary instructions on compliance and collect statistics related to the implementation of the present Decision.