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Adjusted Notional Amount

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

22.Banks must calculate adjusted notional amounts from trade-level notional amounts for each transaction as described in this Standard.

23.For foreign exchange derivatives, the adjusted notional is defined as the notional of the foreign currency leg of the contract, converted to the domestic currency. If both legs of a foreign exchange derivative are denominated in currencies other than the domestic currency, the notional amount of each leg should be converted to the domestic currency, and the adjusted notional amount is equal to the value of the leg with the larger domestic currency value.

24.For equity and commodity derivatives, the adjusted notional is equal to the product of the current price of one unit of the stock or commodity and the number of units referenced by the trade. For equity and commodity volatility transactions, adjusted notional is equal to the product of the underlying volatility and the notional value of the transaction.

25.For interest rate derivatives and credit derivatives, the trade-level adjusted notional in units of domestic currency must be multiplied by a supervisory duration (SD) measure as follows:

  1. a)First, the bank must determine the start date of the time period referenced by the interest rate or credit contract, and time that remains until that start date, measured in years; this is “S.” If the derivative references the value of another interest rate or credit instrument (as with a swaption or bond option), the time period is that of the underlying instrument. If the time-period referenced by the derivative has already started, the bank must set S to zero.
  2. b)Next, the bank must determine the end date of the time period referenced by the interest rate or credit contract, and the time remaining until that end date, measured in years; this is “E.” If the derivative references the value of another interest rate or credit instrument (as with a swaption or bond option), the time period is that of the underlying instrument.
  3. c)The bank then must compute SD for the transaction using the following formula, with the identified values of S and E based on the terms of the contract (where “exp” denotes the exponential function):


  4. d)Finally, the bank calculates the adjusted notional amount for the transaction by multiplying the trade notional amount by the supervisory duration SD.

26.Banks also must apply the following rules when determining trade notional amounts, for transaction covered by the cases noted below:

  1. a)For transactions with payoffs that are state contingent such as digital options or target redemption forwards, a bank must calculate the trade notional amount for each state, and use the largest resulting calculation.
  2. b)If the notional is based on a formula that depends on market values, the bank must enter the current market values to determine the trade notional amount to be used in computing adjusted notional amount.
  3. c)For variable notional swaps such as amortizing and accreting swaps, banks must use the average notional over the remaining life of the swap as the trade notional amount.
  4. d)For leveraged swaps in which rates are multiplied by a factor, the bank must multiply the stated notional by the same factor to determine the trade notional amount.
  5. e)For a derivative contract with multiple exchanges of principle, the bank must multiply the notional by the number of exchanges of principle in the derivative contract to determine the trade notional amount.