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Potential Future Exposure

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

17.Calculation of PFE relies on computation of various “add-on” amounts, which are intermediate measures of exposure that are combined in various ways to compute PFE. The bank must calculate PFE for each netting set as a simple summation of the add-ons computed for each of the various asset classes within that netting set, multiplied by a multiplier that allows for recognition of excess collateral or negative mark-to-market value for the transactions. Requirements for calculation of the multiplier and the add-ons for each asset class are described below in this Standard.

18.The bank must allocate all derivatives transactions to one or more of the following asset classes based on the primary risk driver of the transaction:

  • Interest Rate Derivatives
  • Foreign Exchange Derivatives
  • Credit Derivatives
  • Equity Derivatives
  • Commodity Derivatives

19.As described in more detail below in this Standard, trades within each of these asset classes are further divided into hedging sets, and an aggregation method is applied to aggregate trade-level inputs at the hedging set level and finally at the asset class level. For derivative transactions within the credit, equity, and commodity asset classes, this aggregation involves a supervisory correlation parameter to capture important aspects of basis risk and diversification.

20.For trades that may have more than one risk driver (e.g. multi-asset or hybrid derivatives), banks must apply an analysis based on risk-driver sensitivities and volatility of the underlying reference price or rate to determine the existence of a dominant risk driver, and make the asset class allocation accordingly. When a derivative is materially exposed to risk drivers spanning more than one asset class, a bank must assign the position to each relevant asset class rather than to a single asset class, with appropriate delta adjustment. The Central Bank may direct banks to assign complex derivatives to multiple asset classes, regardless of analysis that the bank may or may not have conducted.

21.As is the case with Replacement Cost, if multiple margin agreements apply to a single netting set, the bank must divide the netting set into sub-netting sets that align with each respective margin agreement, and calculate the PFE for each sub-netting set separately.