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Qualifying Central Counterparties

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

71.For a counterparty entity to be considered a QCCP for purposes of this Standard, the entity must meet the following conditions:

  • Be licensed to operate as a CCP and permitted to operate as such by the appropriate regulator or overseer with respect to the products that are centrally cleared.
  • Provide UAE banks with the information required to calculate RWA for any default fund exposures to the CCP according to the requirements stated in this Standard.
  • Be based and prudentially supervised in a jurisdiction where the relevant regulator or overseer has established and publicly indicated that domestic rules and regulations consistent with the CPMI-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures apply to the CCP on an ongoing basis. For CCPs in jurisdictions that do not have a CCP regulator applying the Principles to the CCP, the Central Bank may make a determination regarding whether the CCP meets the requirements for treatment as a QCCP.

72.A bank must have robust internal procedures to identify specific CCPs that qualify for treatment as QCCPs under this Standard. The internal identification process should reflect the conditions stated above in this Standard, and produce evidence the bank then provides to the Central Bank to demonstrate that a specific CCP meets the conditions for qualification. A bank may not treat any CCP as a QCCP for capital purposes unless and until the Central Bank reviews the bank’s determination and indicates no objection.